Personalized Children's Christmas Ornament w/Handwritten Name
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Looking for that perfect gift? Personalized Children's Christmas Ornament w/Handwritten Name is a wonderful option that can be displayed year after year!
Have your child write their name clearly as possible on a plain white sheet of paper without any other lines or markings {refer to photos for an example}
Please use a dark colored, thick marker or pen when writing his or her name.
Email a jpg file of the handwritten name to within 1 business day of purchase so that your order does not get delayed! Thread colors for the stitched name may vary to coordinate with embroidery design. You can specify in the notes at checkout if you want the name and year stitched in black, dark green, or red.
4" Ornament
A red ribbon to hang on the tree
Embroidery Design above the name {refer to photos for an example}
Current Year included below the handwritten stitched name on the ornament
Fabric is an ivory linen.
Please contact us at (337) 363-1810 or if you have any questions about the personalization and placing your order.